Canada Times Immigration Consultancy Inc.

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant

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To begin the process, take approximately 5 minutes to fill out our online questionnaire.
Step 1: Initial Evaluation
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Our experienced consultants provide an in-depth consultation to assess and understand your situation.
Step 2: Personalized and detailed consultation
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we will draft a detailed service agreement outlining the complete process steps, requirements, and deliverables.
Step 3: Service Agreement
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We will begin the process of applying for a visitor visa on your behalf.
Step 4: Visitor Visa Application
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Upon your arrival in Canada, our team will provide you with proper training tailored to your business needs.
Step 5: Business Training and Supervision in Canada
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Once your business is up and running, the next step is to apply for a work permit.
Step 6: Work Permit Application
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After meeting all requirements, you become eligible to apply for permanent residency in Canada.
Step 7: Permanent Residency Application
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A Step-by-Step Guide to Business Immigration to Canada


Our comprehensive services are designed to guide and support individuals who wish to immigrate to Canada by investing in entrepreneurship projects. Our process is divided into seven steps, each with its own fees and expenses, to ensure a smooth and successful transition to Canadian residency.

Step 1: Initial Evaluation

To begin the process, take approximately 5 minutes to fill out our online questionnaire, designed to assess your qualifications and financial means for immigrating to Canada through an entrepreneurship project. Our team of experts will carefully review your responses and evaluate your eligibility for the program based on factors such as education, work experience, and available capital. Within 2 weeks of receiving your completed questionnaire, we will contact you to discuss your eligibility and the options available to you based on your unique situation.

This initial assessment will help us understand your needs and objectives, allowing us to provide personalized guidance and support as we navigate the immigration process together.

Step 2: Personalized and detailed consultation

Our experienced consultants provide a one-hour in-depth consultation to assess and understand each qualified individual’s unique situation. During this consultation, we will discuss your investment plans, evaluate potential challenges, and explore suitable project opportunities in Canada. The consultation also includes guidance on legal and financial requirements, as well as advice on how to maximize the chances of success in the immigration process. By the end of the one-hour consultation, you will have a clearer understanding of the process and a personalized roadmap tailored to your specific needs and objectives. Duration: One hour, with the possibility of follow-up consultations as needed.

Step 3: Service Agreement

In this crucial step, we will draft a detailed service agreement outlining the complete process steps, requirements, and deliverables for both parties. The agreement aims to establish a clear understanding of expectations and responsibilities for a successful partnership between you and our team of professionals. We will review the agreement together, ensuring that all aspects of the immigration and investment process are well understood, including timelines, fees, and potential challenges. You will have the opportunity to ask questions, seek clarifications, and address any concerns to guarantee that the agreement meets your expectations. Once both parties are satisfied, the agreement will be signed, and our team will fully commit to providing the highest level of support and guidance throughout your journey to immigrate to Canada through your start-up investment.

Step 4: Visitor Visa Application

After finalizing the service agreement, we will begin the process of applying for a visitor visa on your behalf, with an official invitation highlighting your role as the potential owner/investor of the company with 55% shares. Our team will carefully prepare and submit all necessary documentation, ensuring that your application is complete and accurate, increasing the chances of a favorable outcome. The application preparation process typically takes about one month, during which our team will be available to provide updates and answer any questions you may have. It is important to note that the processing time for the visitor visa application is subject to the Canadian immigration office’s schedule, which may vary depending on factors such as application volume and complexity. We will closely monitor the progress of your application and provide guidance on any additional steps or requirements that may arise during this stage.

Step 5: Business Training and Supervision in Canada

Upon your arrival in Canada, our team will provide you with proper training tailored to your business needs and objectives, ensuring you are well-equipped to manage your start-up effectively. The training program will cover essential aspects of business management, such as regulatory compliance, financial planning, and marketing strategies, among others. With the training completed, you will be prepared to start overseeing business operations, including hiring a qualified workforce, purchasing necessary equipment, and scouting for the ideal location for your start-up. Our team will continue to support you throughout this process, offering expert advice and guidance to help you make informed decisions and overcome any challenges that may arise. By establishing a strong foundation, you will set the stage for a successful business and, ultimately, a smoother path to permanent residency in Canada.

Step 6: Work Permit Application

Once your business is up and running, the next step is to apply for a work permit that will allow you to legally operate the business in Canada. Our team of experts will guide you through the entire work permit application process, ensuring that all necessary documentation is completed accurately and submitted in a timely manner. We will also help you understand the specific requirements and conditions associated with your work permit, such as reporting obligations and any restrictions on your employment. It is important to note that the processing time for work permit applications may vary, depending on factors such as the complexity of your case, the volume of applications received by the Canadian immigration office, and any additional requirements or checks that may be necessary. Throughout the application process, our team will provide regular updates on the progress of your work permit and offer support in addressing any challenges or concerns that may arise.

Step 7: Permanent Residency Application

After successfully running your business for one year and meeting all Canadian immigration requirements, you become eligible to apply for permanent residency in Canada. This milestone marks an important step towards achieving long-term stability, success, and a fulfilling life in your new home country. Our team will guide you through the entire permanent residency application process, providing expert advice and support to ensure that your application is complete, accurate, and submitted in a timely manner. We will also help you understand any additional requirements or conditions associated with permanent residency, such as language proficiency, financial stability, and integration into Canadian society.

As you progress towards permanent residency, our team will be there to assist with any challenges, questions, or concerns that may arise, ensuring a smooth and successful transition to your new life in Canada.

Please note that each step has its own specific fees and expenses that need to be paid on time to proceed to the next steps. Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing support and guidance throughout the entire process, ensuring a seamless transition to life and business in Canada.

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